Eclipses 4 degrees Aquarius July 27th PART ONE (Aries until Capricorn)

The Solar Eclipse on August 11th is a 18 degrees 41 minutes Leo. With 6 planets in Fixed signs this eclipse may challenge your ability to embrace change, to be adaptable, flexible and supple. Anything you are holding onto that is not for your highest good may need to be released at this time. 'You lose only what you cling to.' Buddha Mercury is retrograde, slowing the mind and giving you an opportunity to become more aware of your habit patterns. Do you go to bed at the same time every night? Do you eat at the same time? Do you have a particular routine you adhere to? Now is the time to shake up those routines and free yourself to experience more variety and spice up your life. Can you live on much less than you think? I never thought I could manage on 3-4 hours sleep, and yet it is proving to be quite easy. The less I eat, the more energy I have. How can you get yourself out of that comfort zone? It's quite insidious - it probably infiltrates every are of your life. Perhaps you are only comfortable when you are very busy, running from one task to the next, and never really taking time to rest, to daydream and to do 'nothing.' Only Neptune is in a mutable sign, reminding you not to lose faith even if times get tough. Remember you have divine guidance that you can tune into at any time.