Korean War 1950 to 1953 - Part 1 of 3

Korean War - People's Volunteer Army Infantry Assault The Korean War/Sino-American Conflicts. (in South Korea known as 한국전쟁/韓國戰爭/"Korean War"; in North Korea known as 조국해방전쟁/祖國解放戰爭/"Fatherland Liberation War"; 25 June 1950 – 27 July 1953),was a war between North Korea (with the support of PRC China and the Soviet Union) and South Korea (with the principal support of the United States and other United Nations ). The war began on 25 June 1950 when North Korea invaded South Korea[40][41] following a series of clashes along the border.[42][43] The United Nations, with the United States as the principal force, came to the aid of South Korea. People's Republic of China (PRC) came to the aid of North Korea, and the Soviet Union also gave some assistance to the North. Korea was ruled by Imperial Japan from 1910 until the closing days of World War II. In August 1945, one day after the bombing of Nagasaki, the Soviet Union declared war on Imperial Japan, as a result of an agreement with the United States, and liberated Korea north of the 38th parallel. U.S. forces subsequently moved into the south. By 1948, as a product of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States, Korea was split into two regions, with separate governments. Both claimed to be the legitimate government of all of Korea, and neither accepted the border as permanent. The conflict escalated into open warfare when North Korean forces—supported by the Soviet Union and China—moved into the south on 25 June 1950.[44] On 27 June, the United Nations Security Council authorized the formation and dispatch of UN forces to Korea to repel what was recognized as a North Korean invasion.[45] Twenty-one countries of the United Nations eventually contributed to the UN force, with the United States providing 88% of the UN's military personnel. After the first two months of war, South Korean and U.S. forces rapidly dispatched to Korea were on the point of defeat, forced back to a small area in the south known as the Pusan Perimeter. In September 1950, an amphibious UN counter-offensive was launched at Incheon, and cut off many North Korean troops. Those who escaped envelopment and capture were forced back north. UN forces rapidly approached the Yalu River—the border with China—but in October 1950, mass China forces crossed the Yalu and entered the war.[44] The surprise Communist China intervention triggered a retreat of UN forces which continued until mid-1951. After these reversals of fortune, which saw Seoul change hands four times, the last two years of fighting became a war of attrition, with the front line close to the 38th parallel. The war in the air, however, was never a stalemate. North Korea was subject to a massive bombing campaign. Jet fighters confronted each other in air-to-air combat for the first time in history, and Soviet pilots covertly flew in defense of their communist allies. The fighting ended on 27 July 1953, when an armistice was signed. The agreement created the Korean Demilitarized Zone to separate North and South Korea, and allowed the return of prisoners. However, no peace treaty has been signed, and according to some sources the two Koreas are technically still at war.[46][47] As a war undeclared by all participants, the conflict helped bring the term "police action" into common use. It also led to the permanent alteration of the balance of power within the United Nations, where Resolution 377—passed in 1950 to allow a bypassing of the Security Council if that body could not reach an agreement—led to the General Assembly displacing the Security Council as the primary organ of the UN. 朝鲜战争/中美战争(又称 韩战/抗美援朝戰爭),是朝鮮半島上的朝鮮民主主義人民共和國(朝鲜)与大韓民國(南韓)之间,自1950年6月25日开战至1953年7月27日签署停战协定的一场局部战爭。 朝鲜半岛自1910年起开始被日本统治,直至1945年二战结束。1945年8月,苏联对日宣战,随后并根据与美国的协议以北纬38度线为界双方分别占领朝鲜半岛。在1948年,南北两占领区内分别成立了两个政府。南北双方均自认为全朝鮮半島的唯一合法政府,同时对整个朝鮮半岛声称主权且拒绝承认以北纬38度线简单划分的苏美对日受降分界线为各自主权边缘。在第二次世界大战之後、冷战初期所形成的紧张国际形势的大背景下,这场战争不可避免的开始了。它是冷战開始後的第一场大規模“热战”。 朝鮮戦争(ちょうせんせんそう)は、1948年に成立したばかりの朝鮮民族の分断国家である大韓民国(韓国)と朝鮮民主主義人民共和国(北朝鮮)の間で生じた朝鮮半島の主権を巡る国際紛争。1950年6月25日に金日成率いる北朝鮮が中華人民共和国の毛沢東とソビエト連邦のヨシフ・スターリンの同意と支援を受けて、国境線と化していた38度線を越えて韓国に侵略を仕掛けたことによって勃発した。 分断国家朝鮮の両当事国、朝鮮民主主義人民共和国と大韓民国のみならず、東西冷戦の文脈の中で西側自由主義陣営諸国を中心とした国連軍と東側の支援を受ける中国人民志願軍が交戦勢力として参戦し、3年間に及ぶ戦争は朝鮮半島全土を戦場と化して荒廃させた。1953年7月27日に国連軍と中朝連合軍は朝鮮戦争休戦協定に署名し休戦に至ったが、北緯38度線付近の休戦時の前線が軍事境界線として認識され、朝鮮半島は北部の朝鮮民主主義人民共和国と南部の大韓民国の南北二国に分断された。 Chiến tranh Triều Tiên/Perang Korea/한국 전쟁/美中战争/韓戰/Guerre de Corée/Корей соғысы/สงครามเกาหลี/Koreakriget/Koreakrieg/Корей соғысы/Солонгосын дайн/கொரியப் போர்