Is It Safe To Eat Pineapple During Pregnancy, You Will Be Surprise By its Side Effect!

Hi Guys, so there are my top tips on what to pack in your hospital bag and what I am packing in my hospital bag for baby number 3! I hope you like these ideas on what to pack for you, baby and your partner. WHAT TO PACK CHECKLIST: ESSENTIALS: - Hospital notes, baby notes, birth plan - Car Park change (also good for vending machines!) - Hynosis on phone if you are doing hypnobirthing and wireless headphones - Camera and charger - Phone and charger - Petrol in the car FOR BABY: - 3 to 4 Baby Sleepsuits / outifts - 4 Vest - Muslin Squares - Baby Hat - Newborn Nappies / Diapers - Water Wipes (or cotton wool and water) - Cellular Blanket (or one suitable for the season you give birth in) - Swaddle Blanket - Barrier Cream Sample - Carseat ready to use and installed in the car - Formula and bottles if you don't want to breastfeed FOR YOU (THE MUM): - Sleepwear (extra pyjamas) - Socks or Slippers - You may want a thin robe - Going home outfit e.g. joggers and a nursing top (comfy clothes!) - Lucozade Glucose Tablets - Toothbrush and toothpaste - Unscented deoderant - Nursing Bra and Breast Pads - Disposable Briefs and Maternity Pads - Black Underwear - comfortable for after birth - Vaseline or Lip Balm - Hair Ties - Toiletries Bag with essential skincare, body wash and make up - Paracetemol / Ibuprofen for after birth pain PARTNER: - Snacks and Drinks - Paracetemol - Download Contraction Timing App - Money / Change - They may want to pack their own change of clothes ------------------------------------- I'm a part of the Channel Mum team, subscribe for the honest face of parenting For all advertising enquiries please contact S O C I A L M E D I A BLOG TWITTER INSTAGRAM FACEBOOK PINTEREST