粵劇 鐵馬銀婚 李翠翠 李秋元 cantonese opera

這次是蓋嗚暉在香港TVB主辦的慈善晚會"歡樂滿東華-1990"演出. 當時她倆位還是初出道, 第一次在TVB 亮相. 另外, 有助於兩位粵曲閱歷淵博之士 (carrisho2008 & ngpingkuen) 指出那位洛神是蓋嗚暉的第一個拍擋, 名叫莊婉仙. The performance was made during a charity night event organized and broadcast by the HKTVB in the year 1990. At that time they were green performers. It was the first show for the two. Thanks to two experienced Cantonese Opera fans who pointed out that the actress performing Lok Shui Goddess was 莊婉仙 .