Bipolar vs. Cyclothymic Disorder | Mood Disorders

Watch more Mood and Personality Disorders videos: So bipolar 1 disorder includes depressive episodes and also manic episodes which are the full extreme of the elevated moods. Individuals have limitless energy, limitless confidence and end up getting themselves into trouble either by taking on too much or ignoring risks and getting arrested or getting admitted in hospitals. Individuals of bipolar 2 do have depressive episodes and they do have pervasive elevated moods but the purasive elevated moods are to the extreme of mania.It's what called hypermania where individuals do have increased energy and some increase in confidence but it doen't get them into trouble. Then there are individuals who have cyclothymia. In cyclothymia, individuals when their mood is elevated its similar to a hypermanic episode not getting very extreme. And also their depressive episodes are also not very extreme. They dont get fully depressed. They just have period of low mood and a cycle between periods of low mood and periods of elevated mood. Then there's also another category thats informally referred to bipolar 3. And this is one where an individual develops symptoms of mania but its introduced between medication because anti-depressive medication can trigger manic episode and manic symptoms. But we would like to categorize that as a separate situation when its triggered by the medications prescribed. because the idea is that without the medication, the individuals probably would not hav any symptoms. So thats the break down of the different kinds of bipolars.