Mga di-karaniwang ibon, nailigtas sa Palawan

Mymy our pet hill Myna sings a little Filipino folk song "Bahay Kubo"and says things like "Praise the Lord". It heard this from another Myna belonging to an aunt who held her prayer meetings next to it, now we just repeat the phrase it says back. We think it's cute. I get a lot of hate mail over it saying that...I just delete and block if pls.don't be judgmental and if it pushes your buttons look within yourself why you would be angry over it. We think its better than F you and such. It speaks English and Taglish. If you leave hate message you will be blocked and deleted and reported.. anything rude you say, falls off my back like a duck because it's more of a mirror to those who write that stuff. Just sayin.....