Air Force General Gives A POWERFUL Speech Against Trump-Supporting Cadets, "RACISTS Need to Get Out"

Kellyanne Conway thought it would be a good idea to speak on the air with CNN’s Jake Tapper this past weekend, and the interview only took a few moments to go completely off the rails. Conway refused to talk about the issues that Tapper wanted to discuss, and instead insisted on spouting the few statistics that she’s managed to memorize. Tapper didn’t hold back in calling her out, either. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.   Link – Support us by becoming a monthly patron on Patreon, and help keep progressive media alive!: Spread the word! LIKE and SHARE this video or leave a comment to help direct attention to the stories that matter. And SUBSCRIBE to stay connected with Ring of Fire's video content! Support Ring of Fire by subscribing to our YouTube channel: Be sociable! Follow us on: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: Instagram: Follow more of our stories at Subscribe to our podcast: On Sunday, White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway decided it was going to be a good idea to go on State of the Union on CNN with Jake Tapper. And I guess, based on her performance there, she actually had some things that she had rehearsed, things that she had practiced, things she wanted to say to Jake Tapper. But Tapper wanted to focus on the news of the day, news of the week really, that Donald Trump knew about the payments that had been made to Michael Cohen that were then used to pay off Stormy Daniels. And I think Kellyanne Conway knew that those questions were coming but she did her best to try to avoid answering them and the result was the following train wreck. Nobody undermines the President's message more than President Trump. Well, I'm here to amplify- Well, that's not true. President Trump puts out a tweet last week talking about how the unemployment rate is 3.9%, and he can't even stay on message in a 10-word tweet. By the end of it, he's talking "witch hunt." Well, maybe it's not- excuse me, maybe it's not your message, but his message is the 3.9%. That's the message American see- So why does he undermine it with "witch hunt"? ... those facts and figures- I think the judge T.S. Eliot in, excuse me, T.S. Ellis — great poet — T.S. Ellis in Virginia really said it best. He's not a political figure. He has no skin in this game except the law. He really brushed back the Mueller folks by just saying, "Excuse me, have you burned through your $10 million budget yet? Where is this going, because if this is actually to impugn or assault or indeed impeach or something else the President, that's not what this was supposed to be about." A lot of Americans agree and you know that I hear from people who didn't even vote for Donald Trump regularly, Jake, that they just want the guy to be able to have the space to do his job, and his job includes saying that the Iran nuclear deal was a bad deal from the beginning that gave up too many benefits- Does his job include lying to the American people? ... too much cash for the- Do you think that his job includes lying to the American people, because he continually does so and he undermines his own administration when he does so, period? Jake, he does, he does many things. You just want that- respectfully, you just want that to go viral, you want to say the word "President Trump" and "lie" in the same sentence. Look at all- No, I want- I would like him to stop lying, quite frankly. Okay, here's what doesn't lie. Here are some facts and figures that you should start treating your viewing audience to. The 20,000 new Apple jobs, if Tim Cook could have brought those to this country, while his ally President- I understand you don't want to talk about the President's credibility. Oh, no, no. I've already talked about it for five minutes. What I'm telling you is his credibility- Do you think there's a credibility crisis in this White House? No, I don't because I know that you have the screaming graphics that says it, but you had screaming graphics that talked about Russian collusion, too. Those are gone and now we're talking about this. This- excuse me, this- I don't know what's gone in terms Russian collusion. The sheer volume and velocity alone of what this President accomplishes and what he puts on the table, in just one breakneck week he's got a new Secretary of State who's out there saying his job as the chief diplomat for this country is to make sure Iran is never-nuclear capable, and that's why this President has serious questions about the JCPOA.