
2014年3月22日/Y:2歳5ヶ月/R:4歳9ヶ月 It is kimchi of the Chinese cabbage in accord with natto that we eat. It becomes really delicious when I eat this in conjunction with rice. However, this is slightly spicy. Therefore they eat while being cautious. Hahaha 美食家の評価は厳しい ☆朝食においしいキムチを食す http://youtu.be/otaX1-GJzOc 【Facebook】 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rinozawa/232183876872295?sk=wall 【Rino&Yuuma 2nd Channel】 http://www.youtube.com/user/nozaoto?feature=mhee 【Mama's Cooking Channel】 http://www.youtube.com/user/nozamama/featured 【Rinozawa's Blog】 http://ameblo.jp/rinoism/