10 Best Budget Projectors 2018

UPDATED RANKING ►► https://wiki.ezvid.com/best-budget-projectors Disclaimer: These choices may be out of date. You need to go to wiki.ezvid.com to see the most recent updates to the list. Our complete review, including our selection for the year's best budget projector, is exclusively available on Ezvid Wiki. Budget projectors included in this wiki include the ragu z720, abdtech portable st-gp90, fugetek fg-857 led, dihome di005b, elephas fba ele yg400, cozyswan gp9, dbpower t20 1500 lumens, crenova xpe470 mini led, idglax idg-787w mini portable, and tenker q5 mini. Most Recent Picks: https://wiki.ezvid.com/best-budget-projectors