Alien Covenant concept art that tells a different story! Artist Khang Le's unused concept art

Why the Engineer use a flute to start the Juggernaut? How juggernauts work? What Happened to the mother Juggernaut? Remember, this is just a theory and when I first read it it seemed a little bit hard to believe but when I looked at the evidence from Prometheus and Alien Covenant it actually made sense. First of all, the most obvious explanation is that the ship's navigation system requires a flute sound to ensure that the pilot is in fact a living and intelligent being and not to a robot. But because David was programmed with an ability to create, he is able to pass as a humanoid. Besides this simple explanation, there is much more to what the Juggernaut actually is and how it works. From outside, it is a large, asymmetrical, wishbone-shaped craft, with thickened central sections between two horns, which bend upwards. The ship resembles an ancient symbol called the Ouroboros. It represents cyclicality, especially in the sense of something constantly re-creating itself. Jugernaut had numerous tunnels that go off to many places. The Juggernaut measured 170 in length and 116 meters wide with 61meters between two prongs The Juggernaut had three large openings near ground level between two horns, leading into the interior of the Juggernaut. When David opens the door to the big head room he uses some sort of substance that is organic (evidenced by him pulling his fingers apart and seeing those tiny little bits). This substance could be packed with information interacting with the hieroglyphs on the panel which then opens the door. W hen David's playing around with the controls he presses on those little egg-like buttons and they produce sound as if they were reacting to the touch. When the crew meets the Engineer If you pay attention to the suit you’ll notice that it's integrated with his body because of the way it merges with his neck. In fact, Engineers are able to create life they are highly skilled in manipulating bio materials, so thier suits are also bio-engineers. For instance, it is integrated with the engineer's body. So their suits are also bio engineered and may act as living parts of their bodies That brings up a theory that the ship or at least a part of it is organic and a result of bio engineered Probably many people originally assumed that the Jugernauts is a nonbio technology because of the way we build our space ships, cars and other mechanisms. But since Engineers are so advanced in biological engineering, they integrate living organisms in to their spacecrafts. That’s why the Jugernaut is a mix of a biological and mecanical components so we can pretty much say that the ship is alive. I know it may sound a bit ridiculous, but hold on because it actually answers many question from prometheus and what happened to Juggernaut and the mother ship in Alien Covenant That would explain why the interior of the Juggernaut resemble more a living organism than a space-going vessel, with skeletal walls, circular gangways and steep passages. When the Engineer prepares to lanch the ship, it seems like the seat envelops him, and he becomes a part of in. When the crew enters the Jugernaut, the texure of walls starts to change as if the ship detected an unknown organism and responded by changing the environment. The crew also notices that something inside the ship generates an atmosphere so it’s possible that the Juggernaut has a mechanism to produce oxygen for Engineers or on organic of the ship needs oxygen itself. The engineer plays a flute to activate a part of the navigation system, the sound must be of the right frequency to communicate with the Juggernaut’s bio part and thus activate the ship. This can be a producers’s refence to the string theory that suggests everything is made of vibrations so by playing a certain frequency the Engineers are able to get access to interstellar travel. I also noticed in the scene where the ship Prometheus crashes the Juggernaut, you can hear some weird low frequency sounds and it may be just the music but id doesn’t fit to the rythm so if this theory is correct these sound can be produced by the Juggernaut itself as a response to being destroyed. Now let’s talk about how the Jugernaut and the mother ship crashed. Yes actually know from the movie that the mother ship was also taken down. when Daniels and Lope leave the Paraise planet, For a few seconds we can actually see the crashed mother juggernauts in the background at the base of the mountain. So how did the ships crashed. We know now that they have biological or living components and so when David released such a big amount of the black goo in the atmosphere, some of the pathogen might have penetrated the Juggernaut and affected the organic part of the ship. The Juggernaut was infected and later due to mutations couldn’t function and crashed.