What if NASA had the US Military's Budget?

God's not Dead Mr Krauss. Along with NASA, modern cosmology has done its utmost to hide any sign of the creator from you. This is the part of the Flat Earth awakening that frightens "them". It is this mass awakening to the existence of a higher authority that strips away the ruling classes power and control over the populace and this is why "they" resist & fight Flat earth so vigorously. They want you to keep thinking you're nothing special & without purpose in a Godless existence. The truth is, there is so much more to us being here than we could ever possibly imagine or I could ever articulate. Credits: British Pathe News. TET's Truth Tube Antonio Subirats The Principle Astro Not. Scrawny2Brawny. If I've missed you out, please let me know, Audio Credit: Moment of Surrender /U2 Wandering Star /Portishead. Kre & Basshoven, D Nasty, Tomoyosh /Label:Dub Damage This is a none monetised flat earth video. Research Flat Earth God Bless.