Israel will build 3rd temple in exchange for land. Prophecy !!!

What will happen in 2018 at the end 70 years? A query about divine chronology Music by Natrix Judea served the Babylonian king for 70 years In the 6th century BCE, the Prophet Jeremiah predicted that Judea would serve the king of Babylon for 70 years. (25:12, 29:10) King Nebuchadnezzar invaded Judea in about 599 BCE, leading the population into captivity in Babylon in 597. There they remained till King Cyrus allow them to return in 539 still under his rule till his death in 530. The city of Tyre lay forgotten for 70 years In the 8th century BCE, the Prophet Isaiah predicted that the city of Tyre would be forgotten for 70 years. (23:15, 17) Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar laid siege against Tyre between 585 and 573 BCE, bringing an end to Phonecian national life till sometime after 515. The Soviet Union lasted 70 years Lenin introduced his New Economic Policy in 1921, before the Soviet Union was declared on December 29, 1922. The Union was dissolved 70 years later on December 26, 1991, having imprisoned or executed millions of Christians and Jews. A query about divine chronology If 70 years remains the length of divine judgment against regimes that oppose the God of the Bible, … then what lies in store for those countries whose 70 years come to an end in 2018? ... Remember The God of the Bible remains patient to a fault, preferring to forgive and to transform nations. Nor is he under obligation to respect any supposed chronology that we might invent.