[增加字幕版] 如何用英文點餐

超受歡迎的10句常用英文句子第二集機場篇!快來看看在機場會需要知道那些英文呢? 訂閱阿滴英文 ▶ http://bit.ly/rde-subscribe 支持阿滴英文 ▶ http://pressplay.cc/rayduenglish ▌10句【機場篇】常用英文 1. I'm going to New York. 2. Here you go. 3. Window seat, please. 4. Just this one. 5. Is my baggage overweight? 6. No. 7. Is this allowed on the plane? 8. What time will we be boarding? 9. Where is the departure gate? 10. I'm here on vacation. 上一部影片 電影經典台詞#6【腦筋急轉彎】// Inside Out Movie Spotlight http://youtu.be/54VZYqUvxx0 下一部影片 日常英文單字#2【精靈寶可夢】// English Vocabulary: Pokémon Go http://youtu.be/McG4_bwyRHk 更多阿滴: http://facebook.com/rayduenglish http://instagram.com/rayduenglish http://rayduenglish.com 合作邀約:rayduenglish@gmail.com