
2012年10月5日/Y:0歳11ヶ月/R:3歳4ヶ月 As for Yuuma, interest begins to appear to a thing of Rino. His target of this day was a picture book. When mom and she read a picture book, he is going to snatch the picture book. When the mom gives him the picture book, and she reads a different picture book, he takes her picture book again. She is angry at last and hits a picture book on a mom:) そろそろ姉弟喧嘩しそう(^^; 【Facebook】 http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rinozawa/232183876872295?sk=wall 【Rino&Yuuma 2nd Channel】 http://www.youtube.com/user/nozaoto?feature=mhee