Why Life Is Unfair | The Purpose Of Brokenness

The Secret | Law Of Attraction Exposed This video is all about the The Secret and how the Law of Attraction is a lie. Explained in simple terms as I believe many people are blinded by the truth of what the law of attraction and The Secret really stands for and how it works. It has been quite remarkable just how much my life has changed. In all areas. But in saying that, it also hasn't been easy turning away from satan and finding the one and only true God, Jesus Christ. And so, I want to share my knowledge and experiences and testimonies with as many people as I can, through this online platform. I really hope that what I am about to share with you, will open your eyes to the truth about the law of attraction and The Secret and what it really is about and how it's been a lie fed to us for years. Not only that, but it's sickening to think just how many people are making money off of these lies. I mean that's one thing, but using in in parallel with the Bible and God is an entirely other thing. For instance, Oprah's whole theology is based on a secret. That secret is in a book called: The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. Oprah and Bryne think their secret is consistent with Christianity, as do tens of thousands of their followers. Many of them consider themselves Christians. ❤️ SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR MORE CONTENT ❤️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrWBrAI_JJ636QLCB5RrGZA?sub_confirmation=1 🚀 If you're interested in Ayahuasca and Psychedelics check below: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpzmJY3Zq93lQS26X6NZVVCNmV2M_lOL6 The Secret, though, has no kinship with Christianity. It is something completely different. It trades on Christian language and Biblical prooftexts but uses them to construct a view of reality that is totally foreign to the worldview of Jesus. In fact, the secret of The Secret is that it is not the deep wisdom of the universe, but the oldest lie in the universe. The Secret, introduced in the book by Rhonda Byrne and 24 other “teachers”—and aggressively promoted by people like Oprah and all the biggest self-help gurus in the world is what Byrne calls the “Law of Attraction.” According to the authors, the universe responds to each of us according to an inviolate natural law that works like a magnet in reverse. With magnets, opposites attract. According to this secret law of the universe, though, “like attracts like”. The Secret endows its user with virtual omnipotence: “There isn’t a single thing you cannot do with this knowledge,” Bryne writes. “It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are, The Secret can give you whatever you want”. According to this book, the greatest thinkers and the finest creative minds in history have known The Secret, from Plato to Lincoln, from Galileo and Newton to Shakespeare and Beethoven, from Carnegie to Emerson, Einstein, and Edison. You alone, it seems, have been left behind. The idea that God is everything is called pantheism (literally, “everything-god-ism”). Pantheism beliefs. The worldview of The Secret, then, is pantheistic monism. It is nothing more than an Americanized, romanticized, prosperity-driven version of an ancient religion called Hinduism. Hinduism and Christianity are completely different religions. They are competing, not compatible, worldviews. How do I know? By comparing their worldview maps. Jesus saw the world very differently from Oprah, Byrne and their ilk. The worldview of Christianity can be outlined with five words: God, man, Jesus, cross, and resurrection. These five concepts interconnect with the four basic elements of worldviews in this way: 🔥 Creation: God created the world and is therefore the rightful sovereign overall. 🔥 Fall: Man rebelled against his sovereign, becoming guilty of sedition and sin. 🔥 Redemption: God became a man in Jesus, died on a cross, and rose from the dead to make payment possible for the guilt of man’s rebellion. 🔥 Restoration: In the final resurrection of all men at the end of history, those who received God’s pardon will enjoy the perfect life in friendship with Him that He intended at the first. Those who continue in rebellion will perish. Everything the Bible says God is, Rhonda Byrne says you are. The Bible and Christianity are not saying the same thing as The Secret, but just the opposite. The Secret / Law of Attraction (LOA) and Christianity are not the same. ⭐ CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA ⭐ WEBSITE: http://iamru.me/ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/iamru__ #thesecret #thesecretexposed #lawofattraction https://youtu.be/r-rX7VAmu5o https://youtu.be/r-rX7VAmu5o